jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

Hello everybody! today I will write about my blogging experience in this semester of career.
I wrote nine blogs for the english class about different topics, in general I think that write blogs is a good way to practice grammar and learn how to use new words finding the meaning of them.
I feel that my skills for write are better now because I think that the only way to learn to write is writing, is very important know how to speak and write in english.
In general I liked wrote blogs about my favourite serie, my favourite movies and my favourite music, I like to read the bloggs of my classmates because I can learn more about them.
I don't liked to write about topics of the career because I think that is a little bit bored, I would like to write about things that I like and I believe that the topics could be free.
If I write a blog in the future I would like to write about my pet because I love him and is very important for me, I would like include more pictures in the blog.
Probably I will write in this blog in the future for practice my writing and learn more words.

Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day and a good end of semester! :)):):)

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Tv Shows and Series

Hello everyone! in this post I will talk about Tv shows and series.
I have to admit that I don't watch Tv shows or Series because I don't have so much free
time and when I have time I prefer to do others things.
Few years ago I liked watch Hey Arnold! it was my favourite Tv show, I watch it every day the main character was Arnold, he lived with his grandfathers and with the people of the host house.
I liked watch Hey Arnold! because he was a very smart kid with a lot of differents friends, they always have too many adventure.
My favourite character was Helga a girl that was in love of Arnold but she never told him her feelings.
I don't have one kind of series or Tv shows that I enjoy the most, the last serie that I watch was Breaking Bad, I watched all the seasons with a friend, I liked a lot and probably it's my favourite serie in the last years.
I would like to watch Game of Thrones because so many friends recommended me this serie and also I would like to watch all the chapters of Better Call Saul because I watched only 4 chapters.
Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day!

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Federick Taylor

Hi everyone! In this post I will write about an expert on the field of administration and his contribution for this field.
F. Taylor
Federick Taylor was an American mechanical engineer born on  March 20, 1856 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he died in 1915.
Taylor is regarded as the father of the scientific management, he was one of the first management consultants. Taylor was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement all his ideas influenced the Progressive Era. He wrote a book called The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911.
Taylor's scientific management have four fundamental principles: 
1) Work methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.
2) Scientifically select each employee. 
3) Supervision of each worker.
4) The managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks.
I like him because he is one of the classical authors in the administration and we have to read his books in too many subjects, 
Thanks for read my blog! :) 

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

A country I'd like to visit

Hi everybody! in this port I'm going to write about a country I'd like to visit :)).
I'd like to visit Greece because this country have a really interesting history and a beautiful architecture.
About Greece I know that the people lived in too many polis or cities united by the culture and the  religion with so many gods and myths that even today people knows, but they never became in just one country ( some centuries later all the polis became in Greece like a country) , some old Greece's cities were Spart and Athens. I also know that the Democracy were born in Greece but not like we know today.
I would like visit all the places with the old Greece architecture, visit museums and learn more about the culture and also take pics of everything!
I would not live or work there because nowdays the country have to many economical problems but study there could be so interesting.

Thanks for reading!, have a nice week :)

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

My favourite Movie

Hi! in this post I will talk about my favourite movie.
"As long as you don't chooseeverything remains possible"
My favourite movie is Mr. Nobody, the movie is about how just one choice or event could change your life, Nemo (interpreted by Jared Leto) is the principal character and the movie shows all his potential lifes with different experiences.
I like this movie because I'm always wondering "what if?" and in this movie this question has an answer. I saw Mr. Nobody a few years ago I don't remember the exactly year but I think that was in 2010.
I like to watch all kind of movies, well almost all the kind of movies because I hate the horror movies the most part of them don't scare me and I get bored watching them.
The most recent movie that I saw was The Big Fish a Tim Burton film and I liked a lot, probably was the fifth time that I saw it, I love how Tim Burton can create differents worlds with so much magic and with beautiful stories.

Have a nice week! :) 

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

A Photograph I like

Hi! :) in this post I’ll talk about a photograph that I like, there’s so many potos that I like but I choose this one just because my dad have hair here hahaha. I don’t know who tooks this photograph but I like it so much. In the photograph I’m with my parents and I think that is so cute because they look so young and happy, the picture was taken in my grandfather’s house, now everything looks so diferent and we look so different too.
I can’t belive that this photograph was taken almost 20 years ago, I don’t know the exactly date but my mom says that was in 1996, I was a baby so I don’t remember nothing about this day but we look happy so I guess that was a good day, my sister wasn’t born until 2004 and that’s why she doesn’t appear here.

Have a nice weekend!.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My Favourite Music

Hi! in this post I'm going to talk about my favourite kind of music.
Honestly I don't like just one kind of music, I listen what I think is good or interesting.
Probably I will never listen reggaeton because I think that the lyrics are very violent with women.
When I was fourteen I started listen The Smiths (an 80's british band) and they are my favourite band since then, I could listen their songs all day, another bands that I like are The Strokes, Muse, The Killers, Alt-J,Bastille among others.
This year I went Lollapalooza and after so many years waiting I could watch and listen live my second favourite band Kings of Leon! I sang, screamed and jumped during all show, I was so happy and I'll always remember this day also I watched Bastille, The Kooks and Alt-J, were two amazing days.

Bastille in Lollapalooza 2015. 
Thanks for read my blog! :)