jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Tv Shows and Series

Hello everyone! in this post I will talk about Tv shows and series.
I have to admit that I don't watch Tv shows or Series because I don't have so much free
time and when I have time I prefer to do others things.
Few years ago I liked watch Hey Arnold! it was my favourite Tv show, I watch it every day the main character was Arnold, he lived with his grandfathers and with the people of the host house.
I liked watch Hey Arnold! because he was a very smart kid with a lot of differents friends, they always have too many adventure.
My favourite character was Helga a girl that was in love of Arnold but she never told him her feelings.
I don't have one kind of series or Tv shows that I enjoy the most, the last serie that I watch was Breaking Bad, I watched all the seasons with a friend, I liked a lot and probably it's my favourite serie in the last years.
I would like to watch Game of Thrones because so many friends recommended me this serie and also I would like to watch all the chapters of Better Call Saul because I watched only 4 chapters.
Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day!

3 comentarios:

  1. I would like to watch Game of Thrones too! But now I don't have anytime to do it /:

  2. Hello clauuu! Me too see hey Arnold haha, is very funny and I like because ever have many adventure.
    i would like to see breaking bad in the holidays
    Bye, I like so much your post
    See you

  3. I love Arnold, he is like the perfect man ahahaha
