jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Evaluation of my Blogging Experience

Hello everybody! today I will write about my blogging experience in this semester of career.
I wrote nine blogs for the english class about different topics, in general I think that write blogs is a good way to practice grammar and learn how to use new words finding the meaning of them.
I feel that my skills for write are better now because I think that the only way to learn to write is writing, is very important know how to speak and write in english.
In general I liked wrote blogs about my favourite serie, my favourite movies and my favourite music, I like to read the bloggs of my classmates because I can learn more about them.
I don't liked to write about topics of the career because I think that is a little bit bored, I would like to write about things that I like and I believe that the topics could be free.
If I write a blog in the future I would like to write about my pet because I love him and is very important for me, I would like include more pictures in the blog.
Probably I will write in this blog in the future for practice my writing and learn more words.

Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day and a good end of semester! :)):):)

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Claudia (: I think that sometimes is a little bit bored to talk about our career to our classmates, it is like repeat all the time the first day in the university :/

  2. Hi Claudia
    Read the books of our classmates is a good shape for know them.
    Write about pets is a great idea!

  3. Hello Claudia! I the same than you I want write about my pets. I think it would have been a good idea.
    You are right, the only blog bored was of the career ahaha
    see you

  4. Claudia, I think as you, I don't like write about career topics, and my favorite was the series and music, I think that the pets could be a great topic to write here in the posts.
