domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My Favourite Music

Hi! in this post I'm going to talk about my favourite kind of music.
Honestly I don't like just one kind of music, I listen what I think is good or interesting.
Probably I will never listen reggaeton because I think that the lyrics are very violent with women.
When I was fourteen I started listen The Smiths (an 80's british band) and they are my favourite band since then, I could listen their songs all day, another bands that I like are The Strokes, Muse, The Killers, Alt-J,Bastille among others.
This year I went Lollapalooza and after so many years waiting I could watch and listen live my second favourite band Kings of Leon! I sang, screamed and jumped during all show, I was so happy and I'll always remember this day also I watched Bastille, The Kooks and Alt-J, were two amazing days.

Bastille in Lollapalooza 2015. 
Thanks for read my blog! :) 

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My Favourite Piece of Technology

Hello everyone! in this post I'll talk about my favourite piece of technology, I use it everyday and all the time when I'm bored or when I'm in the bus. It's like part of me! :oooo.
My favourite pice of technology is my cellphone because I can use it to talk with my friends and family also I can use facebook, whatsapp and read the email. I like it so much my cellphone because it's not only for call actually with the smartphones you can take pictures, listen music, use internet, play and download so many apps.
My dad gave me mi first cellphone when I was eleven years all, now I have another cellphone with more technology (it was a birthday present).
Really I can't live without with my phone! life without it would be so bored!
Thanks for read my blog! :))))))