jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Tv Shows and Series

Hello everyone! in this post I will talk about Tv shows and series.
I have to admit that I don't watch Tv shows or Series because I don't have so much free
time and when I have time I prefer to do others things.
Few years ago I liked watch Hey Arnold! it was my favourite Tv show, I watch it every day the main character was Arnold, he lived with his grandfathers and with the people of the host house.
I liked watch Hey Arnold! because he was a very smart kid with a lot of differents friends, they always have too many adventure.
My favourite character was Helga a girl that was in love of Arnold but she never told him her feelings.
I don't have one kind of series or Tv shows that I enjoy the most, the last serie that I watch was Breaking Bad, I watched all the seasons with a friend, I liked a lot and probably it's my favourite serie in the last years.
I would like to watch Game of Thrones because so many friends recommended me this serie and also I would like to watch all the chapters of Better Call Saul because I watched only 4 chapters.
Thanks for read my blog, have a nice day!

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

Federick Taylor

Hi everyone! In this post I will write about an expert on the field of administration and his contribution for this field.
F. Taylor
Federick Taylor was an American mechanical engineer born on  March 20, 1856 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he died in 1915.
Taylor is regarded as the father of the scientific management, he was one of the first management consultants. Taylor was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement all his ideas influenced the Progressive Era. He wrote a book called The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911.
Taylor's scientific management have four fundamental principles: 
1) Work methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.
2) Scientifically select each employee. 
3) Supervision of each worker.
4) The managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks.
I like him because he is one of the classical authors in the administration and we have to read his books in too many subjects, 
Thanks for read my blog! :)